YEAR 2024

[ APRIL 22 2024 — 20:19:03 ]
      Actually, I wanna write about this. Right now, I'm working on our Roblox game, which is like... well, a creative outlet for us, as a lot of things are! And we want to make our headspace in it. We've seen a lot of different games with such cool modeling.. It inspires us a lot, so.. I'd like a crack at it as well. Today I've added a camera sway and first person to the game... I plan on adding more soon! I messed around with the lighting and shadows a bit too, and changed some of the sound effects.. And removed the cursor that was in the way. What I needta do next is.. Maybe, make the body visible when you're looking down? And figuring out how to stop the animation when you're sitting. I also gotta add more sounds for jumping, landing, etc. And... Ehh.. Looking at more games to see what they do? Then, I can start building actual places and making a way of transporting between them using doors or sumthin'. — AGENT FOX
[ APRIL 22 2024 — 11:37:56 ]
      Helloo! My first journal entry. How cool. I don't actually have much to say right now... Humm, I've been thinking mostly about our OCs and about classwork! Right now.. We're reaching the end of the semester, so we have a lot of work to do for a lot of classes.. Sigh! I'll really have to try to get done as much as I can... For today? I'm thinking of working on math, but I really need to work on my compsci assignments and philosophy ones too. Yeesh...
      As for OCs, of course, I've been thinking about my OC/sona Fox.. and about what's gonna happen in the campaign we're playing in..! Hmmm... I definitely wanna make stuff on my site for my character, mainly a character sheet, a place to share thoughts from the character on what's going on within the world, anndd a place to share our art of him! I'm thinking.. I could make another page on the nav bar which leads to the character sheet, eh? And one for art? Think that sounds good. ..I should get on that soon, once I.. have free time, haha. — AGENT FOX